Required Sphinx configuration ============================= This page explains the minimum required `Sphinx`_ configuration for building the documentation of a PyAnsys library. When installing `Sphinx`_, a program named ``sphinx-build`` also gets installed. This program is in charge of collecting, parsing, and rendering all ReStructuredText (RST) files in :ref:`The \`\`doc\`\` directory`. The behavior of the ``sphinx-build`` program is controlled through either a ``Makefile`` (for POSIX systems) or a ``make.bat`` file (for Windows systems). Once the ``sphinx-build`` command is triggered, the configuration declared in the ```` file is applied when rendering the documentation pages. The ```` file -------------------- The following ```` file provides the minimum required configuration for a PyAnsys library. To guarantee consistency across PyAnsys libraries, you should only make custom additions on top of this configuration. .. literalinclude:: code/ Automation files ---------------- As indicated earlier on this page, the ``sphinx-build`` program and all its options and arguments can be automated by using a ``Makefile`` file or a ``make.bat`` file. These files should be placed at the first level of the ``doc`` directory, next to the ``source`` directory. Notice that both files contain a ``SPHINXOPTS`` variable with these options: ``-j``, ``-W``, and ``--keep-going``. - ``-j``: Indicates the number of jobs (number of cores) to use. The default value is ``auto``, which means that the number of cores in the CPU is to be automatically detected. - ``-W``: turns warnings into errors. This guarantees that documentation health is maximized. - ``--keep-going``: Specifies whether to render the whole documentation, even if a warning is found. This option enables developers to be aware of the full set of warnings. A special rule named ``pdf`` is also included. This rule is in charge of generating a PDF file for the library's documentation. Example for ``Makefile`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following code collects the required options and automation rules for the ``Makefile`` program to use when building documentation for a PyAnsys library: .. literalinclude:: code/required_makefile Example for ``make.bat`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following code collects the required options and automation rules for the ``make.bat`` program to use when building documentation for a PyAnsys project: .. literalinclude:: code/required_make.bat