PyAnsys project organization ============================ The `PyAnsys project `_ is a collection of many Python packages for using Ansys products through Python. The `Ansys organization `_ on GitHub contains several repositories with Python libraries for interfacing with Ansys products or services. To go to the repository for a main PyAnsys library, visit one of these links: * `PyAEDT`_ * `PyAnsys Geometry`_ * `PyDPF-Core`_ * `PyDPF-Post`_ * `PyMAPDL`_ * `PyMAPDL Legacy Reader`_ * `PyMechanical`_ * `PyPIM`_ If you want to create, develop, or contribute to a PyAnsys library, visit these links: * `PyAnsys developer's guide `_ * `Ansys Sphinx Theme documentation `_ * `gRPC Hello-world example `_ * `Material example data `_ Developers use the following tools to generate library packages from PROTO files, create coverage reports, and report on system coverage: * `pyansys-protos-generator `_ * `example-coverage `_ * `pyansys-tools-report `_ PyAnsys repository creation --------------------------- This is an overview on how to create your own PyAnsys repository in the Ansys GitHub organization. A repository is generally a project for a particular PyAnsys library. #. **Create the repository:** Create a repository from the `ansys/template`_ repository. See `Creating a repository from a template`_ in the GitHub documentation. Be sure that the `repository visibility`_ is initially private. #. **Rename the package:** Rename ``ansys/product/library`` to match your product or library. For example, the package name for PyMAPDL is ``ansys/mapdl/core``. Do the same renaming in the ```` file. Do this as a pull request. In fact, only add code as pull requests. Do not push to the ``main`` branch of the repository. #. **Add source:** Add your source files to ``ansys//`` or create them. Also add unit tests to the ``tests`` directory, following the `pytest`_ convention. Be sure to maintain sufficient coverage when adding to your library. See the `pytest-cov`_ documentation. .. note:: If your tests require an active service, app, or product, be sure to set it up to run in an automated manner. #. **Update documentation:** The documentation source and content vary from repository to repository. In the ``doc`` directory, there are child directories for different sections of the documentation, which can include getting started and user guides, examples, and an API reference. Ensure that all documentation is updated. See :ref:`Documentation style`. #. **Prepare the package for release:** When you are ready to release your package publicly, email ` `_ to obtain the release checklist for obtaining official Ansys approval. Once you have completed this checklist, change the `repository visibility`_ to public and create a release branch. .. todo:: gRPC - Starting Guide .. todo:: C Extension - Starting Guide .. todo:: Others like requests, RPC, COM, etc.