.. _documenting_developers: Documenting =========== PyAnsys documentation must not only be written but also maintained. If you are contributing to PyAnsys documentation, see the `Google developer documentation style guide `_, which provides the general guidelines that you are to follow. This page supplies guidance specific to PyAnsys documentation. .. note:: For comprehensive information on contributing new content or revising existing content, see :ref:`content_writing`. When writing developer documentation, the relationship between code and documentation is key. To keep documentation up to date with evolving code, always perform these tasks: - Minimize the content footprint. - Write `timeless documentation `_. - Support contributions from both inside and outside of the development team. - Perform periodic reviews. Understand documentation sources -------------------------------- The generation of PyAnsys documentation uses `Sphinx`_ and the `Ansys-branded Sphinx theme `_. .. raw:: html
Sphinx assembles content from these sources: - Docstrings in Python (PY) files - reStructuredText (RST) files - Examples in PY or IPYNB files Docstrings ~~~~~~~~~~ You must format docstrings in PY files so that Sphinx can parse them. Sphinx provides these extensions for docstring formatting: - `numpydoc extension `_ - `napoleon extension `_ Using the ``numpydoc`` extension is preferred because it supports an API documentation structure with one page per method, providing Python community members with documentation like that generated for the `NumPy`_ and `pandas`_ packages. If your API is very linear, you can use the ``napoleon`` extension because it supports a documentation structure where everything needed to solve a certain problem can be shown on one page. - The `numpydoc manual `_ explains how to use the ``numpydoc`` extension with Sphinx and includes a `style guide `_. - The ``napoleon`` extension, which parses both numpydoc and Google style docstrings, refers you to the `Google Python Style Guide `_. Regardless of the extension that you choose for generating documentation from docstrings, using numpydoc-style docstrings ensures that there is consistency within PyAnsys libraries. For more information, see :ref:`Documentation style`. .. _rst_files_developers: reStructuredText files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To provide general usage information in your documentation, use your favorite editor to create reStructuredText (RST) files that you then place in :ref:`The \`\`doc\`\` directory`. The ``index.rst`` file in the ``doc/source`` directory defines the first level of your documentation hierarchy. The ``toctree`` directive (which stands for "table of contents tree") indicates the maximum number of heading levels that the documentation is to display in the right navigation pane. .. note:: A directive is a generic block of explicit markup that sets off a specific block of text. For more information, see `Directives `_ in the Sphinx documentation. The ``toctree`` directive also specifies the locations of the RST files for building each section of your documentation. .. include:: diag/doc_layout.rst As shown in the preceding figure, each documentation section has its own ``index.rst`` file. However, to optimize web searches of the generated HTML documentation, the names of the index files for sections should be short and descriptive, containing keywords and using hyphens (``-``) as word separators. For more information, see :ref:`SEO`. Here is an example of the hierarchical structure for RST files. The main index files is named ``index.rst``, and the index files for the documentation sections are named ``intro.rst``. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: index.rst .. code-block:: rst Welcome to the library documentation #################################### This is the content of the root `index.rst` file. .. toctree:: section-A/intro section-B/intro .. tab-item:: section-A/intro.rst .. code-block:: rst Section A ######### This is the content of the `section-A/intro.rst` file. .. toctree:: page-1 page-2 ... .. tab-item:: section-B/intro.rst .. code-block:: rst Section B ######### This is the content of the `section-B/intro.rst` file. .. toctree:: section_B_subsection ... While you do not include the ``.rst`` extension when defining the section structure in the ``toctree`` directive, the index file referenced for each section should have a short descriptive name. After you build documentation locally as described in :ref:`Build documentation`, the first-level heading in the index file for each section is shown as a clickable link in the documentation's title bar. For more information on defining the documentation structure, see `Getting Started `_ in the Sphinx documentation. Titles and headings in RST files ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As indicated in `Capitalization `_ in the *Google developer documentation style guide*, titles and headings are to be in sentence case. In RST files, the line that follows a title or heading is a string of characters of the same length as the heading or title. If the length of the characters is less than the length of the title or heading, Sphinx generates a warning. For consistency within PyAnsys libraries, the use of these special characters is recommended but not enforced: - For section-level headings, use ``###``. - For subsection-level headings, use ``===``. - For subsubsection-level headings, use ``---``. - For subsubsubsection-level headings, use ``~~~``. - For paragraph-level headings, use ``+++``. For comprehensive syntax information, see the `reStrucutredText Markup Specification `_. Because you must be familiar with the content in this guide before contributing to a PyAnsys library, explore its pages and then look at the RST files in the repository's ``doc/source`` directory. This should help you to understand the syntax and see how RST files are nested to create the structure of this guide. Recommended sections ++++++++++++++++++++ Although each PyAnsys library is different, its documentation has the same goal, which is to provide instructions and guidelines for users. Thus, you can find some common sections across the documentation for many PyAnsys libraries. Try to include these top-level sections in your library's documentation: - ``Getting started``: Explains how to install and set up the library. - ``User guide``: Describes how to use basic features of the library. - ``API reference`` Documents API resources provided by the library. - ``Examples``: Provides fully fledged examples for using the library. - ``Contributing``: Refers to the *PyAnsys developer's guide* for overall guidance and then provides library-specific contribution information. For comprehensive information on writing content, see :ref:`content_writing`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Examples come in two formats: - Basic code snippets demonstrating features - Full-fledged standalone examples that are meant to be run as downloadable scripts Place basic code snippets in RST files in the ``doc/source`` directory. Place full-fledged standalone examples in the ``examples`` directory, which is at the root of the repository. All of these examples must be compliant with :ref:`PEP 8`. They are compiled dynamically during the build process. Always ensure that your examples run properly locally because they are verified through the CI performed by GitHub Actions. Adding a new standalone example consists of placing it in an applicable subdirectory in the ``examples`` directory. If none of the existing directories match the category of your example, create a subdirectory with a ``README.txt`` file describing the new category Here is an example of what the structure for a PyAnsys library typically looks like: .. code-block:: text . ├── doc │ ├── conf.py │ ├── index.rst | ├── make.bat │ └── Makefile ├── my_python_module │ ├── __init__.py │ └── mod.py └── examples ├── plot_example.py ├── example.py └── README.txt (or .rst) In the Sphinx configuration file (``doc/conf.py``), enable the `Sphinx-Gallery `_ extension: .. code:: Python extensions = [ ... 'sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery', ] The following configuration declares the location of the ``examples`` directory to be ``../examples`` and the ``output`` directory to be ``examples``: .. code:: Python sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': '../examples', # path to your example scripts 'gallery_dirs': 'examples', # path where the gallery generated outputs are to be saved } Because these examples are built using Sphinx-Gallery, you must follow its coding guidelines. :ref:`General example` uses Python and Sphinx-Gallery. Generate documentation from docstrings -------------------------------------- You can use the native ``sphinx.ext.autodoc`` extension to generate documentation from the docstrings in your Python files. When using this extension, you can include these directives in your RST files: * ``automodule``: For documenting modules * ``autoclass``: For documenting classes * ``autofunction``: For documenting methods and functions For a full list of ``auto`` directives, see `Include documentation from docstrings `_ in the Sphinx documentation. Document classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two main ways of using Sphinx to document a class: * Manually describe *why* and *how* you use a class in RST files. * Automatically generate documentation for classes using the ``autoclass`` or ``autosummary`` directive in RST files. Manually generate documentation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To describe *why* and *how* to use a class in RST files, use the ``code-block`` directive: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Documentation surce code .. code-block:: rst Initialize ``my_module.MyClass`` with initial parameters. These parameters are automatically assigned to the class. .. code-block:: pycon >>> from my_module import MyClass >>> my_obj = MyClass(parm1="apple", parm2="orange") >>> my_obj.parm1 'apple' .. tab-item:: Rendered documentation Initialize ``my_module.MyClass`` with initial parameters. These parameters are automatically assigned to the class. .. code-block:: pycon >>> from my_module import MyClass >>> my_obj = MyClass(parm1="apple", parm2="orange") >>> my_obj.parm1 'apple' Automatically generate documentation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To automatically generate class descriptions from the numpydoc strings in your Python files, use either the ``autoclass`` or ``autosummary`` directive in your RST files. For information on docstrings and required docstring sections, see :ref:`Numpydoc docstrings`. For simple classes, use the ``autoclass`` directive: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Documentation source code .. code-block:: rst .. autoclass:: ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.ExampleClass :members: .. tab-item:: Rendered documentation .. autoclass:: ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.ExampleClass :members: For complex classes with many methods, use the ``autosummary`` directive: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Documentation source code .. code-block:: rst .. autoclass:: ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex.real ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex.imag ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex.abs .. tab-item:: Rendered documentation .. autoclass:: ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex .. autosummary:: ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex.real ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex.imag ansys_sphinx_theme.examples.samples.Complex.abs When you use the ``autosummary`` directive, each class has its own dedicated page. Each method and attribute in that class also has its own page. Document multiple classes +++++++++++++++++++++++++ To document a set of small but highly cohesive classes, you can combine the two preceding approaches. To accomplish this, you include multiple ``autoclass`` directives in the same RST file with headings and text blocks as necessary to describe the relationships between the classes. For example, the Granta MI BoM Analytics library uses this combined approach: :external+grantami-bomanalytics:doc:`Part compliance` first describes the :external+grantami-bomanalytics:class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.queries.PartComplianceQuery` class. It then describes the :external+grantami-bomanalytics:class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics._query_results.PartComplianceQueryResult` and :external+grantami-bomanalytics:class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics._item_results.PartWithComplianceResult` classes returned by the query. Because the classes are only ever encountered together in this context, they are documented on a single page. In contrast, the :external+grantami-bomanalytics:class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.indicators.RoHSIndicator` and :external+grantami-bomanalytics:class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.indicators.WatchListIndicator` classes are shared across multiple queries. Consequently, these classes are documented separately. Build documentation ------------------- `Sphinx`_ is used to build the documentation. You configure the entire build process in :ref:`The \`\`conf.py\`\` file`. The ``doc`` directory contains a ``Makefile`` file and a ``make.bat`` file for automating the building process. Different builders render different documentation output, such as ``HTML`` and ``PDF``. Build HTML documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can build HTML documentation locally with the command for your OS. On macOS or Linux, you use ``Makefile``. On Windows, you use the ``make.bat`` file. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Makefile .. code-block:: bash make html .. tab-item:: make.bat .. code-block:: bash make.bat html The resulting HTML files are created in the ``doc/_build/html`` directory. To view the HTML documentation in your browser, navigate to this directory and double-click the ``index.html`` file. Build PDF documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build PDF documentation locally, you must add the following rules to the ``Makefile`` and ``make.bat`` files: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Makefile .. code-block:: text .PHONY: pdf pdf: @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M latex "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O) cd $(BUILDDIR)/latex && latexmk -r latexmkrc -pdf *.tex -interaction=nonstopmode || true (test -f $(BUILDDIR)/latex/*.pdf && echo pdf exists) || exit 1 .. tab-item:: make.bat .. code-block:: text :PHONY pdf :pdf %SPHINXBUILD% -M latex %SOURCEDIR% %BUILDDIR% %SPHINXOPTS% %O% cd "%BUILDDIR%\latex" pdflatex \*.tex --interaction=nonstopmode You can then build the PDF documentation locally with the command for your OS: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Makefile .. code-block:: bash make pdf .. tab-item:: make.bat .. code-block:: bash make.bat pdf The resulting PDF and intermediate LaTeX files are created in the ``doc/_build/latex`` directory. .. admonition:: Always verify the content of your PDF file. Because warnings and errors that occur during the LaTeX building and rendering processes are ignored, it is possible that the PDF file has text formatting errors. .. _multi_version_enabling: Enable multi-version documentation ---------------------------------- When your library has multi-version documentation enabled, the right side of the documentation's title bar displays a drop-down button for switching between documentation versions. With this button, you can switch from viewing the documentation for the latest stable version to the documentation for the development version or a previously released version. To take advantage of multi-version documentation, your library must use `ansys/actions@v4 `_ or later and be configured based on its level of maturity. Upgrade to ``ansys/actions@v4`` or later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your library uses an Ansys action earlier than ``ansys/actions@v4``, upgrade to a later version: #. Update all your continuous integration YML files to use ``ansys/actions@v4`` or later. #. Make sure that the ``"json_url"`` key points to ``f"https://{cname}/versions.json"``. Note that the ``release/`` substring is dropped. #. Apply the previous steps as fix patches in all versions that you want to include in your multi-version documentation. Configure multi-version documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once your library uses ``ansys/actions@v4`` or later, configure multi-version documentation: #. Ensure that you are using `Ansys Sphinx Theme `_ version 0.8 or later for building your library's documentation. #. Include the following lines in :ref:`The \`\`conf.py\`\` file`: .. code-block:: python import os from ansys_sphinx_theme import get_version_match cname = os.getenv("DOCUMENTATION_CNAME", "") """Canonical name (CNAME) of the webpage hosting the documentation.""" html_theme_options = { "switcher": { "json_url": f"https://{cname}/versions.json", "version_match": get_version_match(__version__), }, ... } .. admonition:: About the ``DOCUMENTATION_CNAME`` environment variable The ``DOCUMENTATION_CNAME`` environment variable is expected to be declared in the YML file controlling the deployment of the documentation. The idea is that the canonical name is only defined in a single place, so it can be easily changed if required. #. Enable documentation deployment for development and stable versions. For more information, see :ref:`Deploy documentation`. Once multi-version documentation is configured, its use is automated. Every time you release a new version, a link to the documentation for this version is added to the drop-down button. .. admonition:: Controlling the number of versions shown in the drop-down button The documentation drop-down button displays the development version and last three stable versions by default. To have the button display more versions, use the ``render-last`` variable in the `ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable action `_. If you require support for enabling multi-version documentation, email the `PyAnsy Core team `_. Deploy documentation -------------------- PyAnsys libraries use `GitHub Actions`_ to deploy their documentation online to `GitHub Pages`_. This documentation is hosted on the ``gh-pages`` branch of the library's repository. Documentation deployment is done by uploading the HTML documentation artifact to the ``gh-pages`` branch of the library's repository. For more information, see `Creating a GitHub Pages site `_ in the GitHub documentation. To automatically deploy both development and stable documentation, add the ``doc-deploy-dev`` and ``doc-deploy-stable`` jobs to the ``ci_cd.yml`` file in the ``.github/workflows`` directory: .. code-block:: yaml env: DOCUMENTATION_CNAME: '.docs.pyansys.com' jobs: # Artifacts for HTML documentation need to be generated before # executing the deployment jobs doc-deploy-dev: name: "Deploy development documentation" # Deploy development only when merging or pushing to the 'main' branch if: github.event_name == 'push' && !contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags') runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build-library steps: - uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-dev@v6 with: doc-artifact-name: '' cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }} token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} doc-deploy-stable: name: "Deploy stable documentation" # Deploy release documentation when creating a new tag if: github.event_name == 'push' && contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags') runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: release steps: - uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable@v6 with: doc-artifact-name: '' cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }} token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} Deploy to another repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are planning to deploy documentation to a repository other than the one for your library, make sure that you create this repository before deploying your documentation for the first time. Using the ``{{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}`` token when deploying to another repository is not possible due to the level of credentials of this token. Instead, use the secrets generated by the PyAnsy Bot app. For deploying the documentation to another repository, use this workflow: .. code-block:: yaml env: DOCUMENTATION_CNAME: '.docs.pyansys.com' DOCUMENTATION_REPOSITORY: '/' jobs: # Artifacts for HTML documentation need to be generated before # executing the deployment jobs generate-token: name: "Generate deployment token" id: get_workflow_token uses: peter-murray/workflow-application-token-action@v1 with: application_id: ${{ secrets.BOT_APPLICATION_ID }} application_private_key: ${{ secrets.BOT_APPLICATION_PRIVATE_KEY }} doc-deploy-dev: name: "Deploy development documentation" # Deploy development only when merging or pushing to the 'main' branch if: github.event_name == 'push' && !contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags') runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build-library steps: - uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-dev@v6 with: doc-artifact-name: '' cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }} token: ${{ steps.get_workflow_token.outputs.token }} external-repository: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_REPOSITORY }} doc-deploy-stable: name: "Deploy stable documentation" # Deploy release documentation when creating a new tag if: github.event_name == 'push' && contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags') runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: release steps: - uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable@v6 with: doc-artifact-name: '' cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }} token: ${{ steps.get_workflow_token.outputs.token }} external-repository: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_REPOSITORY }} Access online documentation --------------------------- Documentation for the latest stable release of a PyAnsys library is accessible from its repository. The canonical name for the documentation is constructed using this structure: ``https://.docs.pyansys.com`` If a library does not have multi-version documentation enabled, you can generally access the latest development version of the documentation by adding ``dev`` to the URL: ``https://.docs.pyansys.com/dev`` However, most libraries do have multi-version documentation enabled, which means that stable and development versions are collected under the same website. For example, consider the PyAEDT documentation: On the right side of the title bar for its documentation, you use the drop-down button to select the version of the documentation. - The URL for documentation of the latest stable version is ``_. - The URL for documentation of the latest development version is ``_. Ansys actions are GitHub Actions for automatically keeping the latest development versions of both the library and its documentation up to date. To make documentation changes, you create a branch with a name that begins with a prefix of ``doc/`` that is then followed by a short description of what you are changing. For more information, see :ref:`Branching model`. As you are making changes in this branch, you want to periodically generate the documentation locally so that you can test your changes before you create a GitHub pull request. For more information, see :ref:`Build documentation`. Use PyMeilisearch as a documentation search engine -------------------------------------------------- PyMeilisearch is a Python client library that lets you use MeiliSearch, an open source search engine, to provide fast and relevant documentation search capabilities. To use PyMeilisearch as a search engine for multi-version documentation, perform these steps. #. Ensure that you are using `Ansys Sphinx Theme `_ version 0.8 or later for building your library's documentation. #. In the ``conf.py`` file in the ``doc/source`` directory, include these lines: .. code-block:: python import os from ansys_sphinx_theme import convert_version_to_pymeilisearch cname = os.getenv("DOCUMENTATION_CNAME", "") """Canonical name (CNAME) of the webpage hosting the documentation.""" html_theme_options = { "use_meilisearch": { "api_key": os.getenv("MEILISEARCH_API_KEY", ""), "index_uids": { f"{convert_version_to_pymeilisearch(__version__)}": "index name to display", # noqa: E501 }, }, ... } #. In these lines, replace ** with the name for your MeiliSearch index. The ``convert_version_to_pymeilisearch`` function converts your library's version into a format suitable for MeiliSearch indexing. #. Enable documentation index deployment for development and stable versions using Ansys actions: .. code-block:: yaml jobs: doc-deploy-index: name: "Index the documentation and scrap using PyMeilisearch" runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: doc-deploy if: github.event_name == 'push' steps: - name: Scrape the stable documentation to PyMeilisearch run: | VERSION=$(python -c "from import __version__; print('.'.join(__version__.split('.')[:2]))") VERSION_MEILI=$(python -c "from import __version__; print('-'.join(__version__.split('.')[:2]))") echo "Calculated VERSION: $VERSION" echo "Calculated VERSION_MEILI: $VERSION_MEILI" - name: "Deploy the latest documentation index" uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-index@v4.1 with: cname: ".docs.pyansys.com/version/$VERSION" index-name: "v$VERSION_MEILI" host-url: "" api-key: ${{ secrets.MEILISEARCH_API_KEY }} #. Replace **, **, and ** with appropriate values for your project. The version of your package is automatically calculated and used for indexing, ensuring that your documentation remains up to date. For more information, see the `PyMeilisearch`_ and `Ansys Sphinx Theme `_ documentation. .. _SEO: Optimize web searches --------------------- It's important that web searches rank PyAnsys documentation pages high in organic search results. The PyAnsys Core team has identified some challenges in regard to search engine optimization (SE0): - The ``robots.txt`` file in the root directory of your documentation website blocks Google and other search engines from crawling some pages. This file tells web robots about the structure of the documentation website. - Missing canonical tags result in duplicate pages being found. - For multi-version documentation, redirection from the base ``index.html`` file to the ``version/stable/index.html`` file causes problems. To resolve these SEO challenges, upgrade your documentation deployment actions to ``doc-deploy-stable@v6`` and ``doc-deploy-dev@v6`` or higher. Here's how using the latest ``doc-deploy`` actions automatically address these SEO challenges: - They generate a corrected ``robots.txt`` that allows Google and other search engines to crawl all your documentation pages. - They add ``rel="canonical"`` tags, which are HTML elements, in the head sections of HTML pages. A canonical tag prevents duplicate content issues by specifying the preferred (canonical) URL for a group of pages that have the same or very similar content. Search engines use the canonical tag to determine the best representation of a page. Here is an example of a conical tag: ```` - They copy ``gh-pages/version/stable/index.html`` to ``gh-pages/index.html`` and prepend local references with ``version/stable/``, which eliminates the need for redirection. SEO tips ~~~~~~~~ Here are additional SEO tips for ensuring that Google and other search engines rank your documentation pages higher in search results: - Avoid having ``index.html`` pages (except for the main one for your documentation). Sphinx, which renders files named ``index.rst`` into pages named ``index.html``, always generates absolute links. For example, the absolute link for ``page/index.rst`` is ``page/index.html``. Google prefers links to pages that do not end with ``index.html``. - Use lowercase for names of directories and files and separate words with hyphens. While these naming conventions might be difficult to achieve for auto-generated files matching the names of classes, following these naming guidelines when possible makes file searches easier and search results more useful. For comprehensive information, see `Filenames and file types `_ in the *Google developer documentation style guide*. - Use short filenames containing keywords. Avoid Ansys-specific words in filenames. Use a keyword generator like `ahrefs `_ to find relevant keywords that potential users who are searching for information are likely to use. SEO naming examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This table shows how to use the preceding tips to rename example files. While the source files for examples are generally Python (PY) or Jupyter Notebook (IPYNB) files, Sphinx converts them to reStructuredText (RST) files for inclusion in the documentation. +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Not recommended | Recommended | | | | +=================================================+==================+====================================+ | examples/hohmann-transfer-using-targeter.rst | examples-hohmann-transfer-{orbit,calculator}.rst | +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | examples/00-mapdl-examples/transient_thermal.py | examples-transient-thermal-{analysis,simulation}.py | +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Spiral.py | examples-design-and-simulation-of-spiral-inductors.py | +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ If you have questions about SEO, email the `PyAnsy Core team `_.