
In the PyAnsys ecosystem, three key styles contribute to an enhanced developer experience:

  • Packaging style: Focuses on creating clear, GitHub-hosted open source APIs, allowing for reusable packages that can be updated independently of the Ansys release schedule.

  • Coding style: Ensures that code adheres to PEP 8 and aligns with the conventions of major data science packages like NumPy, SciPy, and pandas for consistency and readability.

  • Documentation style: Emphasizes the significance of cohesive and user-friendly content and well-documented APIs to improve the on-boarding experience and increase library adoption. All PyAnsys libraries follow the Google developer documentation style guide, which includes using sentence-case titles, active voice, present tense, and clear, concise sentences.

Packaging style

Best practices for distributing Python code.

Packaging style
Coding style

Best practices for writing Python code.

Coding style
Documentation style

Best practices for writing PyAnsys library documentation.

Documentation style